JIE Preliminary Findings

Professor Akbar S. Ahmed presents

Preliminary Findings from the Journey into Europe project

SOAS, University of London

Wednesday 20 August 2014

On 20 August 2014, Professor Akbar S. Ahmed presented some preliminary findings from his team’s summer of fieldwork across Europe, exploring the situation of Muslims across the continent and their relationship with surrounding communities. Stressing the importance of historical understanding, the Professor emphasised the need to consider indigenous Muslims in Europe – alongside converts and what are known as diaspora communities – in order to get a sense of the complexity and longevity of the Muslim presence: a continuum often denied by those wishing to depict Islam as a latter day intrusion into Europe. His talk was illustrated by powerful and at times moving clips from the footage shot by the team, including testimonies from Muslim women in Granada, from worshippers at the east London Mosque in Tower Hamlets, and from relatives of the Muslim dead of Srebrenica who continue to cherish the memory of their loved ones, slaughtered in the Bosnian war of the 1990s, whose memories they cherish and whose graves they lovingly tend. 

Professor Ahmed’s talk was preceded by introductions by Dr viagra online usa Amina Yaqin and Professor Peter Morey, representing the SOAS Centre for the Study of Pakistan and the RCUK muslims, trust and Cultural Dialogue project respectively; and followed by a warm endorsement by Mr Eduardo Lopez Busquets, Director General of Casa Arabe in Spain.


Event Audio

podcast blue icon Welcome and Introduction - Amina yaqin  

podcast blue icon Trust and the Journey into Europe - Peter Morey

podcast blue icon Journey into Europe Challenges, Methods and Findings - Professor Akbar S.Ahmed

podcast blue icon Response - Mr Eduardo Lopez Busquets (Casa Arabe)

podcast blue icon Q and A


Event Gallery

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